About the Stafford Dems
Supporting Democratic Principles in Stafford
Thank you for your interest in the Stafford County Virginia Democratic Committee (SDC). Founded in 1870, SDC is one of the oldest continuously-run local political organizations in the Commonwealth of Virginia
Executive Committee
Chair – Howard Rudat (chair@stafforddemocrats.org)
Senior Vice Chair – Caitlin Bennett
Vice Chair – Terrell McCandrew
Vice Chair – Elizabeth Warner
Precinct Ops - Shannon Fingerholz (precinctops@stafforddemocrats.org)
Parliamentarian – Tom Kimbrell
Secretary – Sarah Baker
Treasurer – Dawn White (treasurer@stafforddemocrats.org)
Sergeant-at-Arms – Donald Gray
Bylaws – Shall review and propose amendments to the Committee bylaws. It shall be chaired by the Parliamentarian. Changes to the Bylaws require submission of recommended changes no less than 10 days before the committee meeting where the vote will occur.
Candidate Search and Support – Shall work to identify and recruit viable Democratic candidates for local office in Stafford County and provide, or arrange for the provision of, training for such candidates on seeking elected office. Once a candidate is selected as the official Democratic candidate for a particular office, shall serve as the central point of contact between that candidate and the Stafford County Democratic Committee and provide such support as necessary to ensure that candidate’s success.
Finance/Budget – Shall, in coordination with elected SDC officials and committee chairs, be responsible for developing the annual budget for approval by the SDC. Shall recommend changes to the budget when required and make said changes after approval by the SDC and will monitor financial activities to ensure compliance with the approved budget.
Issues – Shall conduct research on local, state, and national issues of importance to the Committee’s mission and to Democratic candidates or office-holders; to provide the Committee membership, the citizens of Stafford County, and elected Democrats as necessary or requested, with timely and accurate factual information regarding such issues. Shall maintain a visible presence at public meetings, such as Board of Supervisors, School Board meetings, and speaking on issues pertinent to those meetings and of importance to the Committee’s mission. Shall provide a regular stream of letters to the editor in local papers.
Membership – Shall send out annual membership notices. Shall work to increase membership in and volunteer support for the Committee to the maximum extent feasible; to help members find roles within the Committee and to assist in ensuring full staffing for all standing committees.
Outreach & Visibility – Shall work to widen the public participation of Stafford residents, new voters, recently naturalized citizens, people with reinstated voting rights, and minorities in the activities of the Party and the County Committee and to generate interest in Party and County Committee affairs. The committee may provide background information, review proposed resolutions and assist the County Committee in anticipating important issues in the field of human and civil rights.
Precinct Operations – Shall build and train a permanent network of committed Democratic volunteers sufficient to staff every precinct in Stafford County with one or more volunteers throughout each Election Day and to build a precinct-led system that understands and can service constituent issues and needs. Shall plan and implement training programs sufficient to provide Committee members with such training as is required to promote the election of Democrats to county, state, and federal office. Shall be involved with canvassing, Voter ID, etc. Shall work with the Technology Committee to ensure that all District Chairs and Precinct Representatives have been trained in the Voter Access Network (VAN) to the extent necessary (knowing what the VAN can provide and how to use printouts).
Public Relations – Shall assist in issuing policy statements and publicity about Committee activities and Democratic conventions, caucuses and primaries and general or special elections. Shall promote the SDC at community events.
Technology – Shall have primary responsibility to keep the Committee up-to-date in useful technologies (including social media) and to maintain the Committee website. In addition the Technology Committee shall be responsible for the use and maintenance of the VAN.
Ways & Means/Fundraising – To undertake all appropriate efforts to raise funds required for the operation of the SDC.